About Us

About Us

SR Bike and Car Rentals is a Leading Rental Company from Visakhapatnam Founded by Mr. SKFiroza Ahamed. We provide Bike, Car and Bus Rental Services at Affordable Price. SR Bike and Car Rentals in Brand from SR Group. We are providing Bike & Car Rental Services at Affordable price. A bike rental or bike hire business rents out bicycles for short periods of time, usually for a few hours. Most rentals are provided by bike shops as a sideline to their main businesses of sales and service, but some shops specialize in rentals. As with car rental, bicycle rental shops primarily serve people who do not have access to a vehicle, typically travellers and particularly tourists. Specialized bicycle rental shops therefore typically operate at beaches, parks, or other locations those tourists frequent. In this case, the fees are set to encourage renting the bikes for a few hours at a time, rarely more than a day. Other bike rental shops rent by the day or week as well as by the hour, and these provide an excellent opportunity for those who would like to avoid shipping their own bikes, but would like to do a multi-day bike tour of a particular area.

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